If you are facing possession proceedings for any reason, it is very important that you obtain legal advice well in advance. If you are not able to do so, for example by seeking advice from us, do not miss the opportunity to seek legal advice from the duty advisor on the day of the Court hearing. If you attend the hearing without legal assistance there is a greater risk that you will be evicted or that your case will be prejudiced in some other way.
If you are facing eviction due to rent arrears, please also seek welfare benefits advice if you need support with rent payments. It is important to make sure you get the correct amount of housing benefit or help with rent through Universal Credit is in payment on the date of the hearing.
If you are facing eviction for any other reason (for instance antisocial behaviour, succession rights, or subletting), you should seek advice well in advance before your case is listed for a hearing.
How we can help:
Our housing law advice clinic is open as a telephone service. It takes place fortnightly on Tuesday evenings. Call us on 020 7538 4909 to see if we can help and make an appointment.
We believe that everyone should have a decent home to live in. So we fight to prevent people from being unfairly evicted and help homeless people win a home. And we help people living in unsafe and unhealthy homes to make their landlords repair them.
We can help with problems like:
- Possession Proceedings in the County Court
- Housing Benefit
- Rent Arrears
- Rehousing and Transfers
- Evictions
- Homelessness
- Disrepair
- Successions
We do not provide advice to landlords or help with conveyancing.
We also participate in the Duty Representation Scheme at the Bow County Court.
Contact us by phone or email to see if we can help you and make an appointment.